Character ID: Bell_E1652.010

Book: The famous and renowned history of Amadis de Gaule conteining the heroick deeds of armes and strange adventures, aswell [sic] of Amadis himself, as of Perion his son, and Lisvart of Greece, son to Esplandian, Emperor of Constantinople : wherein is shewed the wars of the Christians against the Turks, the death of Armato, King of Turkie, and the strange death of Melea the enchantress, the love Perion de Gaule, otherwise the knight of the sphere, to Grieilerea, daughter to the Emperor of Trebisond, and of Lisvart of Greece, sometimes called the knight of the true cross to Onolerea, another daughter to the Emperor of Trebisond : together with the acts and strange adventures of many other great lords and princes, aswell [sic] Christians as pagans : being the sixt part never before published / translated out of French into English by Francis Kirkman.
Character class: E
Date: 1652
Printer: Bell, Jane
Source book: ESTC R8908