Character ID: Wilde_M1694.002

Book: An answer to the rector's libel or, The bishop's case truly stated. Shewing I. That the rector has stated the case disingeniously. II. That the rubrick and canons which he quotes in his justification do manifestly turn to his own condemnation. III. That the three queries (1. Whether a rector hath power to suspend any of the parishioners committed to his charge, from a temporary reception of the sacrament? And in what cases he may exercise that power. 2. What is the bishops office in such a case? And whether he may restore such persons so suspended, without a judicial cognizance of the crime objected. 3. Whether in such a case the bishop may regularly command the rector, and whether such commands are obliging?) upon which he builds the whole resolution, are (modestly speaking) impertinently put, and falsly, or impertinently resolv'd.
Character class: M
Date: 1694
Printer:  Wilde, Richard
Source book: ESTC R214775
Cite as: "Wilde_M1694.002," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al.,