Character ID: Tyler_G1681.002

Book: Markham's master-piece revived containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the twelfth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd: all which in the author's life-time were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of appendix, The country-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel. An now in this impression is added the complete jockey; with methods for the training of horses up for racing: with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. With instructions to the buyers, to avoid cheating hor
Character class: G
Date: 1681
Printer: Tyler, Evan
Source book: ESTC R217359