Character ID: Tyler_D1648.001

Book: A solemn acknowledgment of publick sins and breaches of the Covenant and a solemn engagement to all the duties contained therein, namely those, which do in a more special way relate unto the dangers of these times : with two acts of the Commission of the General Assembly of the sixth of October, for renewing the Solemn League and Covenant, and for debarring of persons accessory to the late unlawful engagement, from renewing the Covenant, receiving the communion, and from exercise of ecclesiastick office, with their advice to Presbyteries for celebrating the communion : together also with, an Act of the Committee of Estates of the fourteenth of October for renewing the League and Covenant.
Character class: D
Date: 1648
Printer:  Tyler, Evan
Source book: ESTC R18220
Cite as: "Tyler_D1648.001," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al., 

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