Character ID: Tyler_A1652.004

Book: A declaration of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, relating to the affairs and proceedings between this Common-wealth and the States Generall of the United Provinces of the Low-Countreys, and the present differences occasioned on the States part. And the answer of the parliament to the three papers from the ambassadors extraordinary of the States Generall, upon occasion of the late fight between the fleets. With a narrative of the late engagement between the English and Holland fleet. As also a collection of the proceedings in the treaty between the Lord Pauw, ambassador extraordinary from the States Generall of the United Provinces, and the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England.
Character class: A
Date: 1652
Printer:  Tyler, Evan
Source book: ESTC R175099
Cite as: "Tyler_A1652.004," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al., 

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