Character ID: Simmons_A1654.001

Book: Generation-work. Or A briefe and seasonable word, offered to the view and consideration of the saints and people of God in this generation, relating to the work of the present age, or generation wee live in. Wherein is shewed, 1. What generation work is, and how it differs from other works. 2. That saints in the several generations they have lived in, have had the proper and peculiar works of their generations. 3. That it is a thing of very great concernment for a saint to attend to, and be industrious in the worke of his generation. 4. Wherein doth the work of the present generation lye. 5. How each one in particular may find out that part or parcell of it, that is properly his worke in his generation. 6. How generation work may be so carried on, as that God may be served in the generation. The first part. By John Tillinghast, an unworthy minister of the Gospel at Trunch in Norfolk.
Character class: A
Date: 1654
Printer: Simmons, Matthew
Source book: ESTC R217086