Character ID: Roberts_F1691.002

Book: Planelogia, a succinct and seasonable discourse of the occasions, causes, nature, rise, growth, and remedies of mental errors written some months since, and now made publick, both for the healing and prevention of the sins and calamities which have broken in this way upon the churches of Christ, to the great scandal of religion, hardening of the wicked, and obstruction of Reformation : whereunto are subjoined by way of appendix : I. Vindiciarum vindex, being a succinct, but full answer to Mr. Philip Cary's weak and impertinent exceptions to my Vindici¾ legis & f¾deris, II. a synopsis of ancient and modern Antinomian errors, with scriptural arguments and reasons against them, III. a sermon composed for the preventing and healing of rents and divisions in the churches of Christ / by John Flavell ... ; with an epistle by several divines, relating to Dr. Crisp's works.
Character class: F
Date: 1691
Printer:  Roberts, Robert
Source book: ESTC R21865
Cite as: "Roberts_F1691.002," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al., 

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