Character ID: Moxon_N1659.001

Book: The marchants humble petition and remonstrance, to his late Highnesse, with an accompt of the losses of their shipping, and estates, since the war with Spain. And how as well themselves as strangers have strengthned and inriched both the enemy, and the Hollanders, by the secret trade for the dominions of Spain. And how the national English stock suffers thereby, and by many other trades: as is made out by several demonstrations. A brief treaty of the King of Spains West-Indies. Of the inquisition; and of the death of the English agent, Mr. Askham: and the prosecution of the murtherers. A general remedy proposed for the restauration of the trade. All most humbly submitted to his Highness, and the most honorable Houses of Parliments consideration.
Character class: N
Date: 1659
Printer:  Moxon, Joseph
Source book: ESTC R504226
Cite as: "Moxon_N1659.001," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al.,