Character ID: Martyn_M1664.001

Book: Sylva, or, A discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber in His Majesties dominions by J.E. Esq. as it was deliver'd in the Royal Society the XVth of October, MDCLXII, upon occasion of certain qu¾ries propounded to that illustrious assembly, by the honorable the principal officers, and commissioners of the Nary ; to which is annexed Pomona, or, An appendix concerning fruit-trees in relation to cider, the making and several ways of ordering it ; published by express order of the Royal Society ; also Kalendarium hortense, or, Gard'ners almanac, directing what he is to do monethly throughout the year.
Character class: M
Date: 1664
Printer: Martyn, John
Source book: ESTC R12326