Character ID: Cole_A1664.001

Book: Platerus golden practice of physick fully and plainly discovering, I. All the kinds. II. The several causes of every disease. III. Their most proper cures, in respect to the kinds, and several causes, from whence they come. After a new, easie, and plain method; of knowing, foretelling, preventing, and curing, all diseases incident to the body of man. Full of proper observations and remedies: both of ancient and modern physitians. In three books, and five tomes, or parts. Being the fruits of one and thirty years travel: and fifty years practice of physick. By Felix Plater, chief physitian and professor in ordinary at Basil. Abdiah Cole, doctor of physick, and the liberal arts. Nich. Culpeper, gent. student in physick, and astrology.
Character class: A
Date: 1664
Printer:  Cole, Peter
Source book: ESTC R230756
Cite as: "Cole_A1664.001," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al., 

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