Character ID: Coe_C1644.004

Book: A check to the checker of Britannicus: or, The honour and integrity of Collonel Fiennes, revived, re-estated, and cleared from certain prejudices and mistakes, occasioned by late mis-reports. The proceedings of the honourable Councell of War, according to the article of war justified. The pardon of his Excellencie the Lord Generall Essex asserted, and the grounds of it declared, and presented to the consideration of all. With certain considerable queries of publike concernement. Britannicus for his eminent service to this cause, Parliament, and kingdome, encouraged and vindicated from a late aspertion, in this occasion by a grose, seditious, and abusive pamphlet, called, a check.
Character class: C
Date: 1644
Printer:  Coe, Andrew
Source book: ESTC R22954
Cite as: "Coe_C1644.004," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al., 

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