Character ID: Clowes_P1659.002

Book: The declaration and proclamation of the army of God, owned by the Lord of Hosts in many victories To all the good people of God throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. Whereunto is annexed 17 necessary proposals for the enthroning of Gods lawes, settling of good judges in every city, taking off the excise, and assesments; and payment of the souldiers, with the advancement of a free trade and manifacture, for the good of the poor in the three nations, without injury to any mans propriety; with security proffered of 500000 l. if the premises be accepted of by the Parliament and Army.
Character class: P
Date: 1659
Printer:  Clowes, John
Source book: ESTC R223416
Cite as: "Clowes_P1659.002," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al.,