Character ID: Bradford_A1697.002

Book: A full relation of the birth, parentage, education, life and conversation of Mrs. Margaret Martel the barbarous French-woman, who was executed over against the Meuse-Gate, near Charing-Cross, on Friday the 16th of this instant July, 1697. for a most bloody murther committed by her on the body of Madam Pullen, &c. Wherein is fully and impartially related her youthful roguries, love-intriegues, carriage and deportment; her behaviour to her parents, the true occasion of her coming to England, with her whole carriage and manner of living her [sic] till the time of her death. To which is added, a true account of the paper she delivered at the place of execution to the sheriffs of London and Middlesex. Licens'd according to order.
Character class: A
Date: 1697
Printer:  Bradford, John
Source book: ESTC R214647
Cite as: "Bradford_A1697.002," in Catalog of Distinctive Type (CDT). Edited by Christopher N. Warren, et al.,